Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($797.00)$797.00
  • Preferred option
    3 payments $3873x $387.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


What Happens After Payment?

You'll be sent an email with your receipt, as well as your login instructions. Including your unique username and password. 

  • What is The Refund Policy?
    Due to the digital / instant-use nature of this product, no refunds are offered. Especially if you change your mind, or make a decision down the track to stop using Facebook or Instagram Ads. However, if you have any issues at all with accessing the course, please email me so my team can assist you.
  • Does this include hands on support or training?
    Inside Beyond Bootcamp, you'll step into a private Facebook community, exclusively designed for our members. This is on top of the step by step trainings inside the course!

    This isn't just a group; it's a dynamic hub of like-minded go-getters, all pursuing the same goals as you. No more frustrating days or weeks of feeling stuck. With your peers, our dedicated team, and myself by your side, you'll overcome obstacles swiftly.
  • Total payment
  • 1x*Beyond Bootcamp$0

All prices in USD

What's Included:

Pre-recorded, step-by-step ads training/strategies for those running Sales, Leads or Affiliate marketing campaigns..

Customizable Ad Templates

Sales ROAS Calculator (never guess on what to spend on ads again!)

Payment Details

One-time payment or split pay. Split pay allows one payment today and the remainder next month. 

Payment will be deducted from your Credit Card or Paypal account automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from either Stripe or Paypal.

Mystery and Suspense Writer

"Jana's training is not only incredibly insightful but also super easy to follow. She breaks down complex ad strategies into simple steps, making it accessible for everyone. Plus, her genuine passion for her students' success shines through in every lesson. She's undoubtedly the best ads coach around!" 
